Attention to Details
You can do it!
As I stated in the last blog, it's not too late to begin taking care of your skin.
The other piece of good news is that it doesn't have to be complicated. Look for quality, natural products that multi-task.
Hydration is important to healthy, glowing skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water, remember beauty begins from the inside out! In addition to water, our skin needs a topical moisturizer too. Facial Oils are really having their day and for good reason. They go on like a dream and are easily absorbed into the skin. I realize that an oil sounds scary especially to those with oily skin concerns, but the facial oil actually helps balance the excess oil over time. Oily skin has been stripped of oil, so the body tries to compensate.

Application counts.
Take a little time to massage your moisturizer into a clean, damp face using circular motions working from the inside out. Hydration does not stop at the face, so be sure to include your neck and decollete' using upward strokes. I even like to go up over my ears and around to the back of my neck. Moisturize in the morning and before bed. Think of your skincare routine as a much needed retreat for yourself. Consistency is key.
Our Hydration Oil is packed with nourishing vitamins, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and more.
This handcrafted plant based facial/body oil is featherweight and easily absorbed without feeling greasy. Quality, clean + simple ingredients to hydrate and feed your skin for a beautiful, healthy glow naturally.